PiRO - possibly the cheapest hard drive Raspberry Pi system for RISC OS
PiRO is a basic Raspberry Pi RISC OS system that literally runs out of the box! The box it comes in! In its simplest form, it is a Raspberry Pi
4B in a RISC OS themed case, with a 32GB RISC OS SD card pre-installed.
You can add an SSD adaptor or an SSD adaptor with 120GB drive for a high powered but minature RISC OS system that’s cheap and easy to
PiRO is available in the following models:
PiRO Core
Raspberry Pi 4B
Processor Speed: up to 2.1GHz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Network Port: Gigabit Ethernet
USB ports: 4 (1 is used for SSD on Plus) plus one extra front facing USB port with THORIN Max
SD Card: 32GB Class 10 for OS and storage
OS: Licensed RISC OS 5.28
Thorin IV Case
PiRO Plus
As above plus
Thorin SSD Pack
USB to SSD adaptor
PiRO Max
All of the above plus
Custom adaptor with front-facing USB port
Thorin MAX SSD Case and Adaptors
PiRO is usually available from stock.
Acorn and RISC OS Spares and Extras
PiRO 4 Core
PiRO with 32GB microSD card, Thorin IV case
and Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB
Choose a Thorin IV from Cog, Berry or OakNut
PiRO 4 Plus
PiRO with 32GB microSD card, Thorin IV SSD
case and adaptor and Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB.
Just add your own 2.5in SSD.
Choose a Thorin IV from Cog, Berry or OakNut
PiRO 4 Max
PiRO with 32GB microSD card, Thorin IV SSD
MAX case and adaptor sand Raspberry Pi 4B
2GB with 120GB SSD drive.
Only available In Cog variant case
PiRO Core RISC OS Starter Kit
PiRO Core Kit, complete with wireless keyboard
and mouse set, 3a PSU with inline switch and
quality HDMI cable
Choose a Thorin IV from Cog, Berry or OakNut
PiRO Plus RISC OS Starter Kit
PiRO Plus Kit, complete with wireless keyboard
and mouse set, 3a PSU with inline switch and
quality HDMI cable
Choose a Thorin IV from Cog, Berry or OakNut
PiRO Max RISC OS Starter Kit
PiRO Max Kit, complete with wireless keyboard
and mouse set, 3a PSU with inline switch and
quality HDMI cable
Only available In Cog variant case
PiRO is fully customisable. If you want a different coloured case, bigger hard drive, or any changes, please contact us with your requirements.